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"You Automatically Lose the Chances You Don't Take."

Woman with her hands on her head in regret

We are often faced with numerous opportunities. Some of them are evident, while others are concealed within the routine of our everyday lives. Often, these chances are the keys to our success, happiness and satisfaction. However, the truth is, we often fail to realise their significance. We procrastinate, we hesitate and ultimately, we let them slip through our fingers. This is perfectly demonstrated in the quote by Wayne Gretzky, "You automatically lose the chances you don't take."


The biggest risk is not taking any risk at all.

I love Gretzky's quote, as it highlights the importance of seizing opportunities when they present themselves. It is a reminder that the biggest risk is not taking any risk at all. When you decline to take a chance, you automatically lose the opportunity to gain something from it, whether it is a new experience, personal growth, or success. This principle applies to all aspects of life, such as career, relationships, personal development and even hobbies.


For example, in your career, you may be presented with a chance to take on a challenging project. It might be daunting and the risk of failure can be intimidating. However, by taking this chance, you stand to gain valuable experience, learn new skills and potentially advance your career. On the other hand, if you don't take this chance, you automatically lose these potential benefits.


In relationships, taking chances might mean expressing your feelings to someone or making the first move. Yes – it is scary and the fear of rejection can be overwhelming. However, if you don't take this chance, you'll never know what could have been. You automatically lose the chance of a potential relationship.

Choose courage over comfort, step out of our comfort zones and seize the opportunities that come our way.


Wayne Gretzky's quote is a powerful reminder to choose courage over comfort, step out of our comfort zones and seize the opportunities that come our way. It is a call to action to embrace the unknown, take risks and make the most out of every chance we get. After all, we automatically lose the chances we don't take.


Withing you a marvellous Monday filled with courage and opportunities!


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